Snag Sight

Defect Management & Inspection App

Snag Sight - Defect Management & Inspection App


Your Experience Gets Better And Better Over Time.

Cloud Based Application

By assuring data backup, this cloud based application will enable your team to collaborate from anywhere, any time!

Unlimited Projects and Snags

With a Snag Sight account, you will get unlimited project creation and administration access.

Generate Instant Reports

Generate a customised PDF report in seconds and send that report out to the project team members and interested parties.

Role Based Access

Provide access to your project team members based on their project roles and responsibilities.

Detailed Status History

Track Progress of each and every snag with time lapse details as well as photos till its closure

Actively Developed

Our development team is working hard to add new features and updates to the application based on end user demands.

Start with our 15 Days Trial Plan


Pricing Plan



What's Included

  • Unlimited Projects
  • Unlimited Observations.
  • Before & After Photos
  • Multiple Device Support
  • PDF & Excel Reports



What's Included

  • Unlimited Projects
  • Unlimited Observations.
  • Before & After Photos
  • Multiple Device Support
  • PDF & Excel Reports